Relinquishing Liberty (Second Chances) Page 4
He took another step landing him outside of the end zone lines, and I watched as the dark, cloudy abyss that surrounded him swallowed up his body.
“NO!” I cried out, but it was too late.
The last thing I saw before he was completely gone was his cerulean blue eyes; they peered back at me cold and alone. There so much pain encompassed in those deep blue pools that I had never seen before, and I felt my heart begin to crack as I fell to the ground.
“Nooo! AJ, please! Don’t leave me! Don’t go!” I shouted, praying that he could still hear me.
I felt the ground begin to shake around me as I continued to cry out for my brother. When I finally realized I was no longer on the football field, but rather in my bed and clinging onto my blanket for dear life, I noticed the eyes staring back at me weren’t blue but a warm, chocolaty brown. Brett’s hands were on my shoulders gently shaking me from the nightmare that had my entire body shuddering in its wake.
“Shhh, Liberty, you’re okay. It was just a dream.” He ran his hand softly over my head, brushing my hair back away from my eyes.
“Wh-what? What are you doing in here?” I choked out, pulling the blanket further up my body. I was completely clothed, but I felt an added sense of security while burying myself beneath the extra layers.
“You were screaming the name AJ and thrashing around when I came in here. God, Liberty, you scared the shit out of me!” Concern emanated from both his words and unwavering stare.
He gradually helped me up into a sitting position and wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my back in such a nurturing way that I couldn’t help but break down from the tenderness of his hold on me. He let me remain there in his arms until my soft cries subsided.
“AJ was my older brother.” I paused and took a depth breath. “He passed away four years ago.”
The look on his face made my heart plummet down to my stomach, and I knew more tears were soon to follow.
“Shit, Liberty I’m so sorry. You don’t have to talk about it.” He kept his hold around me, pulling me further into his chest. It felt good to have someone care about my feelings for once. I was so used to keeping them locked up and ignoring them. It was easier that way. Safer. Definitely safer.
I heard my door creak open, and Maddie quietly stepped in. Her eyes passed back and forth between us, eyebrow raised. I knew what she was thinking, and I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, so I slipped free from Brett’s embrace. I filled her in on our conversation, figuring it was better to get it all out in the open so I would have to re-live it over and over.
As much as it hurt to talk about my brother, it was a relief to let it all out. I had been holding in my feelings for so long and talking to my parents about him was nearly impossible without upsetting them. I took another deep breath and continued.
“No one saw it coming. He was such a happy, fun-loving guy. Always cared more about everyone else around him than himself. I just wish that I had been able to recognize something…anything that would have warned me he was going to do it. I had no idea he was so unhappy.” The tears were really flowing now, and I couldn’t wipe them away fast enough. This was exactly why I had always avoided talking about him. “I f-found him in the g-garage one day after school. From the r-rafters…he was hanging from the…”
A mental image of my brother’s lifeless body came back to me, and that’s when I completely lost it. I ended up back in Brett’s arms, and he lightly brushed his fingers through my tear-soaked hair while softly whispering reassuring words in my ear. Eventually my breathing calmed, and I was able to look up at both of them, but the last thing I expected was to see Maddie so overcome with emotion.
“Oh, Liberty,” her lip quivered. “I can’t even imagine what you must’ve gone through. I’m so s-sorry.” Now Maddie was the one with tears in her eyes. I was surprised to see her so affected by the story of my brother’s suicide.
“Thank you, Maddie.” I reached out to hug her, seeing that she was the one who needed consoling now. “It was hard losing him, and I guess I’m still not over it. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it. I just miss him so much.”
“I can imagine. God, I don’t know what I’d do without Brett.” Brett joined in on our hug with me sandwiched in the middle.
My body slowly began to tremble again, this time from laughter as I thought of how ridiculous we must look all wrapped up together. If someone had walked in just then I could only imagine what they would have thought.
“All right, I think we need to break this up before things get too mushy.” We all laughed and wiped the last of our tears away.
“Damn, I didn’t realize how long I’d slept. I need to get ready for work. Will you be there tonight, Brett?” I crossed my fingers that he would be.
“Yeah, I start around five.”
“All right, we’ll see you over there. C’mon, Maddie! I’ll make you dinner before we head over. How does chicken parm sound?” Cooking always helped take my mind off of things.
Maddie’s eyes lit up. “A roommate and a personal chef?! Oh, I’m gonna like living with you!”
When Maddie and I arrived at work, Brett was already busy manning the bar. He smiled as I passed by, and I had to smile back. I loved how the simple gesture made my heart swell. No one ever really made me feel special the way AJ had, until now. I missed my brother immensely, but Brett was beginning to fill a void in my heart that I never thought would heal.
Maddie had already informed me that I’d be flying solo tonight, so we went over which section of the restaurant I’d be responsible for and got started waiting tables. Everything was going pretty well, up until Maddie asked me to cover one of her tables. I was surprised she even asked because it wasn’t very busy, but I didn’t question her. One extra tip for me!
As I approached the table with my notepad out, ready to take the customer’s order, he slowly lowered the menu. Those hypnotizing eyes I had seen in my dream last night were peering straight back at me. My heart was racing, and I had to wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans before I approached his table. Relax, Liberty. Deep breaths. He’s just a guy. A really, really hot guy. His smile slipped only for a second before recognition set in, and his eyes lit up as the corners of his mouth gradually turned back up to reveal that mouth-watering grin.
I didn’t think it was possible for him to be any more attractive than when I first saw him that morning on the beach. Boy, was I was wrong! His short, wavy brown hair was no longer a windblown mess, but still had a sexy I-just-rolled-out-of-bed look that he pulled off very well. He was sporting some stubble, just a little more than a five o’clock shadow, but somehow it made him appear a bit older. The black t-shirt he wore exposed tattoos I hadn’t had the pleasure of admiring the other day. The colors swirled around every inch of his left arm down to his wrist. I could only make out one on his right forearm of an octopus that looked like it was squeezing the life out of him, causing his muscles to bulge. Wait, were his arms really that big? Sweet baby Jesus, could he be any hotter!?
“Hey! I was wondering if I’d bump into you again…or rather, if you’d bump into me again.” I sensed a little sarcasm at the end of that, as he leaned back in his chair grinning up at me.
“Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I’m usually not so oblivious.” I could feel warmth spread across my cheeks as my blush became more visible. I hated making it so obvious that just hearing his voice had such an effect on me.
“Oh, I wasn’t complaining, sweetheart. I’m just not used to having girls throw themselves at me like that. Usually I make them work a little harder before they can get a piece of me.” He bit down on his bottom lip, trying to hold back a smug grin I knew he was dying to show.
“Uh…um…” Well that shut me up. I wasn’t expecting him to be such a cocky prick, but to be completely honest, I didn’t believe for one second that girls weren’t lined up around the block ready to throw themselves at him. With a face and body like that, he was practically drenched with raw,
masculine sex appeal.
I was beginning to feel flustered with the way this conversation was going, so I quickly took his order and headed back towards the kitchen.
I took a moment to calm my nerves before going back out to check on the other tables that I had been neglecting. I stopped by the bar to drop off some drink orders and figured I’d see if Brett knew anything about him. As much as I hated to admit it, my mystery man captivated me in ways I wasn’t sure I wanted him to; I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Normally I would be running in the other direction with the impression I had of him now, but I still hoped that he would prove me wrong.
“Brett, can you get me a Boston Lager?”
“Sure thing, darlin’. How’s it going tonight? You seem to be catching on pretty quick.”
“Yeah, it’s not that busy tonight, so I’m not having any trouble keeping up with my tables.” Brett turned his back to me to fill a pilsner glass. “Um, Brett…do you know that guy sitting in the corner over there?”
Brett looked over his shoulder, and I nodded in the direction of where my mystery man was sitting. “Him? Uh, yeah that’s Shayne. He was a friend of mine in high school. We graduated the same year. Why do you ask? Was he bothering you?”
I loved that about Brett: always so concerned about me. “No, no it’s just…I sort of crashed into him on the beach the other day while I was out for a run, and I felt really bad about it. But now he’s acting like I did it on purpose so I could feel him up. Who does he think he is, God’s gift to women?”
Brett let out a hearty laugh and had to grab onto the bar counter to hold himself steady. “Yeah, that sounds about right. He was a bit of a player when we were in school…always had at least one girl attached to his hip. I haven’t seen him around much lately though, ‘cause he’s always working. But it seems that side of him hasn’t changed.”
I couldn’t say I was surprised, but Brett just confirmed what I had already deduced from talking to Shayne for a mere five minutes. I brought Shayne his beer and told him his food should be ready soon, pivoting before he could respond. As I stepped away, his large hand wrapped around my wrist, startling me and causing me to jump back, nearly knocking his beer over.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to apologize. I know sometimes I come off a little strong when I first meet people, and I could tell from the way you reacted that I overstepped my boundaries. If you’re not too busy, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking a break and sit with me for a bit?”
He wanted me to sit with him? “Why?”
“So we can talk. I want to get to know the girl that nearly trampled over me on the beach.” That bashful smirk he had on his face was too adorable to say no.
I had to laugh. I knew at this point that he was never going to let me live that down, but there was no point in feeling embarrassed about it now. So, rather, I had to find the humor in the situation. Maddie was just coming back from her break so I let her know that I was going to take mine now.
I walked back to Shayne’s table, but before I sat down, I felt warm fingertips trail across my lower back that was now exposed from my apron causing my shirt to ride up. I turned to see who the culprit was and noticed Brett was heading towards the door leading to the kitchen. What the hell was that all about? When I looked back at Shayne, he gave me a quizzical look on his face, which I reciprocated. I wasn’t sure what Brett’s reason for that little display of affection was, but hopefully he wasn’t going to go overboard with his overprotective brother act. I especially didn’t want Shayne to get the wrong idea. I truly cared about Brett, even though we’d only known each other for a few days, but I was worried he might interpret this as something more.
“So are you and him…” Shit, I guess Shayne saw straight through that, too.
“No!” I practically shouted. “No, we’re just friends. He actually helped me get a job here. He kind of owed me after throwing a football at my face and giving me black eye.”
“He what!?” His eyes grew dark, and his brows pinched together. Oh he was clearly pissed, and I actually found it a little humorous how worked up he had gotten over it. Brett chose that moment to walk past the table again, and I swore Shayne was shooting daggers into his back with his death glare.
“It’s okay, it was an accident. I probably could have moved out of the way and avoided it, but my reaction time is apparently a little slow. The bruise is almost gone anyway. See?” I turned my face so he could get a better look.
He seemed a little more at ease now. He reached across the table and brushed his thumb lightly across the now yellowing bruise. It reminded me of when Brett had ever so gently inspected the damage he caused that day on the beach, but there was something different about Shayne’s touch. I looked up, and it wasn’t concern that I saw in Shayne’s eyes; there was an intensity there that I couldn’t quite read. The tenderness that poured through his touch was much more intimate and had me responding in ways I never had before. A shiver spread throughout my body; from the fire I could see reflecting in those emerald eyes, I think he felt it too. His thumb brushed across my cheek, grazing along my jaw until it ended at my chin before his hand returned to his lap.
I wasn’t sure how long we had been sitting there like that, but when I broke eye contact to check my watch, my break had already ended about five minutes ago.
“Shit, I have to get back now. Your dinner should be done by now so I’ll bring that out for you. I’m sorry we didn’t really get to talk more.”
“Don’t worry about it. I enjoyed having you here with me, even if it was for a little while. I’m sure I’ll get another chance to talk to you again, Liberty.”
Wait, how did he… “How did you know my name? I never…”
He let out the sexiest full-body laugh I had ever heard. “Your nametag, sweetheart.” He brushed my hair over my shoulder uncovering the black nametag with my name printed in gold lettering. God, I didn’t know what was sexier, his laugh or that gorgeous smile that now lit up his whole face.
“Right.” I felt like such an idiot.
“Well I’m Shayne. Shayne Thompson.” He extended his hand to me, and I accepted it eagerly. It seemed silly at this point to be making such proper introductions, but my tiny hand was a perfect fit for his. I had felt it before that day on the beach, but the electricity flowing between us was even stronger now, and I didn’t want to let go. Unfortunately, I was now ten minutes late coming back from my break; surely the poor guy was starving by now.
After Shayne finished eating, he paid his bill (which he happened to write his number on!) and left me a tip that was far too generous. I almost felt guilty accepting it, but hey, I needed the money now that I had rent to pay. Maddie would be so pissed she gave up this customer tonight!
I finished taking care of the rest of my customers, clearing off their tables and dropping off the dishes in the kitchen. When I looked over at Brett, he appeared to be in a foul mood. Someone must have royally pissed him off to put that look on his face.
“What’s with the face, Brett? You look like someone just ran over your dog. Did you have a nasty customer?”
He continued to wipe down the bar counters, not bothering to respond to me. His eyes remained fixated on what he was doing.
“Oookay. So…Shayne gave me his number…”
His head sprung up, and I swore I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his skull. Well that clearly got his attention.
“Liberty…” He paused like he was trying to find the right words. “I know we don’t really know each other that well, so my opinion probably doesn’t matter, but…just be careful around Shayne. Like I said, he used to be a bit of a player. I don’t know if that’s still the case; we don’t really talk to each other that much anymore, but I’d hate to see you get hurt. You’re a sweet girl and deserve better than a guy like that.”
Wow, I wasn’t expecting that from Brett. Then again, maybe I should have. I’d been getting mixed signals from him sinc
e day one. “Um, Brett, it’s not like I’m marrying him. He just gave me his number. I don’t even know if I’m going to call him.”
His shoulders slumped, and a gentle smile slowly replaced the gloomy look on his face. Well that response seemed to appease Brett…for now.
I had been living in Savannah for about a week and everything seemed to be falling into place. Work had been great, and I raked in so much money in tips alone that I might’ve already had enough to cover my half of the rent next month. Brett and Maddie had become such an important part of my life. Who would’ve thought Maddie and I would become such great friends? It had taken a lot of patience on my part…A LOT…but living with her had surprisingly been a lot of fun.
Maddie informed me yesterday that Brett was planning on throwing me a birthday party at his place tonight. Our apartment wasn’t big enough to hold a large group of people, and since Brett and Maddie were really the only people I knew here, the party would consist of all their friends. Unfortunately that meant I’d actually have to socialize, which I was so not looking forward to. This was going to require a lot of alcohol.
Somehow Maddie worked her magic and got Bob to let all three of us have the day off. Maddie also took it upon herself to drag me to the mall to get a new outfit for tonight; she said it was her gift to me. The makeover, on the other hand, I wasn’t too thrilled about. I didn’t like to do anything crazy with my hair or wear too much makeup, but I had no control whatsoever over this. It was all in Maddie’s hands, or rather her friend Carrie’s, who worked at the salon where she made an appointment for me.
“Here, try these on, and I’ll grab you some more!” She ran off through the store before I could protest. Maddie was like a kid in a candy store. She was clearly in her element. Staring at the options in my hand, I had no idea how I was going to pull this off. I was pretty short, but those dresses looked like they’d barely cover my ass!